BearCrafty memorybear keepsakebears and artist collector bears
Memory Bears are teddy bears made from clothing and belongings with sentimental value to you. Bearcrafty creates your personalised teddybear to cherish from clothes wich hold a special memory or choose for a unique crafted one of a kind artist collectors bear
You can buy it here: Sewing pattern heart-shaped cushion or click on the picture to go to the store.
To avoid losing my memory/keepsake cushion pattern a third time, I decided to digitize it.
Heart shapes are easy to draw, but when it comes to sewing cushions, they get easily misformed or do not look good.
The process of getting this to work correctly in a drawing program took more time than I expected, so I decided to make it available to others.
The pattern is intended for a large cushion approximately 45cm in diameter, but you can add more seams if you prefer a bigger cushion. By merging the patterns together, you can get a half-heart shape that you can lay on the fabric fold, or you can print it twice for a full heart, or use a full heart for the front and the parts with the zipper and button seam for the back.
Pimp it up with embroidery or appliques be creative and download your pattern today 🙂
There are some instructions for you, but sewing a standard heart won’t be too difficult if you know how to sew. Adding a zip or a button closure is more challenging when sewing a heart shape Pay attention to the mark lines and there are many tutorials available on how to add a zip or make buttonholes, just use it how it’s easy for you 🙂
Add pockets, appliques and or embroidery to make it even more nicer.